Liturgical Ministries

Members of Liturgical Choir sing at televised Mass

Altar Servers

Altar Servers help lead the community in Worship by assisting Father at Mass.  If you are interested in becoming an altar server, signup here

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic ministers assist in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at all Masses.  


Lectors proclaim the first two Scripture readings for the community at all weekend Masses.  

Liturgical Environment

The Liturgical Environment ministry provides an appropriate decor for the worship spaces of the church and gathering area, taking into consideration the liturgical seasons of the church year and colors of those seasons. 

Ministry of Music

The role of music ministry here at St Joseph's is integral to the celebration of each liturgy and sacrament, and all of us are called to raise our voice in song to praise our Lord.  Click here to learn more!

Processional Cross Bearers

Cross bearers lead the procession both at the beginning and at the end of Mass. 

Ushers and Greeters

The ministry of Ushers and Greeters greet parishioners as they enter the gathering area on their way to Mass. Ushers also help find seats for parishioners, if necessary. In addition, ushers take up the collection, select a family to take the gifts up to the altar, direct traffic flow during communion distribution, hand out bulletins after Mass and prepare the pews for the next Mass.